
Multi-Modal Gaussian Process Variational Autoencoder (MM-GPVAE)

A novel latent variable model that extracts smoothly evolving latent subspaces that are shared between or independent to distinct data modalities for use with modern systems neuroscience experiments

Audio Deepfake Detection Using Autoencoders and CNNs

A convolutional neural network architecture that uses the learned representations from an autoencoder for classification

Seq2Seq Factor Expansion

A deep learning model that can perform mathematical factorization without supervision.

Effects of GDP and HDI on COVID; A regression analysis

A regression analysis on the effects of  HDI and GDP per capita on COVID deaths for 151 countries using python.

Money, Sleep, and Love

This is a project for Math for Data Science course at Fordham. In this project, we explored three datasets to investigate the effects of money, sleep and love on relationship length/status. The full code and paper can be found on my Github.

 Simple Deep NLP CNN Article  Summarizer 

A simple deep NLP model that can summarize a CNN article from that day.